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Dimmu Borgir-Stormblast

Dimmu Borgir_Stormblast

Year ; 2005

Norwegian Melodic Black Metal


  •  1. "Alt lys er svunnet hen" ("All Light Has Faded Away") 4:44

  •  2. "Broderskapets ring" ("The Ring of Brotherhood") 5:30 

  •  3. "Når sjelen hentes til Helvete" ("When the Soul is Brought to Hell") 4:43

  •  4. "Sorgens Kammer - Del II" ("The Chamber of Sorrow - part II") 5:51

  •  5. "Da den Kristne satte livet til" ("When the Christian Lost His Life") 3:03 

  •  6. "Stormblåst" ("Stormblown") 6:10

  •  7. "Dødsferd" ("Journey of Death") 5:42 

  •  8. "Antikrist" ("Antichrist") 3:36 

  •  9. "Vinder fra en ensom grav" ("Winds from a Lonely Grave") 4:00 

  • 10. "Guds fortapelse - Åpenbaring av dommedag" ("God's Perdition - Revelation of Judgment Day") 4:01 11. "Avmaktslave" ("Slave of Impotency" or "Powerlessness") 3:54


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Writter: Waru Bawah Tanah

Al Post Dimmu Borgir-Stormblast, Post By Waru Bawah Tanah On Day 4.6.11. Thank's to read this post. Waru Bawah Tanah Stay Underground Music Mp3… All Mp3Black Metal Gothic Metal Doom Metal Brutal Death Thrash Metal Folk Metal Death Metal Metalcore Etc..........