Cerebral Incubation____Gonorrhea Nodule Mastication
[[___USA Brutal Death Metal___]]
1. Ankyloblepharon Filiforme Aconitum 00:56
2. Gonorrhea Nodule Mastication 02:31
3. Bubbling Rectal Cum Fart 02:02
4. Rectovaginal Fistula 02:32
5. Alcoholic Encephalopathy 03:02
6. A Gentleman’s Intermission 02:26
7. Stoma Penetration 01:52
8. Festering Puddle of Coagulated Stew 02:12
9. Subdermal Defecation 02:07
10. Secretion of Exeretory Devastation 03:29
11. Rape Whistle Cord Strangulation 03:27